Monday, August 27, 2012


In 2009, I decided to put up a blog with you in mind. And 3 years after, I write this entry with you in mind.

I made this blog because I wanted to have an outlet for my feelings for you back then. I stopped writing about you because someone decided to follow my blog and I had to keep my feelings to myself. If I did write about you then, I tried to be really subtle.

I write about you again to release what I feel. I realized that I haven't really let out how I felt lately. This time though, this might be the boldest blog entry that I will ever make.

If you remember, I distanced myself from you because I wanted to really be okay when I'd get together with you. I didn't want to be unfair to you by giving you the second best version of myself. I wanted to heal from my past wounds and be complete in myself before finally committing to you.

I did not forget that promise. In fact, you always crossed my mind. I was always tempted to text you or give you a call, but I stopped myself because I told myself that I needed the time. I started reaching out to you after a month because I knew that I was ready to fulfill that promise I had made. I thought that what I chose to do would make whatever we had better.

Turns out I was wrong. It widened the distance, and I end up hurting you. I thought that what I did was better for the both of us, but as you put it, my decision to distance myself from you "destroyed" you. And you weren't able to forgive me until recently. Every single attempt to reach out was rejected, and I for a time resolved to give up and decided that it would have best if we just tried to forget that it ever happened.

Recently, however, we became okay. Not like before, but at least we're talking. And that's fine enough for me. Truth be told, I miss all the breakfast dates, all the sweet nothings, meaningful (and meaningless) conversations, I miss you. Maybe you're right, maybe we aren't really meant to be together after all. I'm sure you're very much happy with where you are right now. And even though I did not grab the opportunity while it was there, I'm happy with where I am right now as well.

I write this because I want you to know that I haven't forgotten. I don't think I'll forget it any time soon. BUT I am happy with where we both are at right now. Nothing just happens, and whether or not we are meant to be together, I'm happy I was given the chance to know what it feels like at such a short period of time. Thank you for everything.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


It may take a whole lot of effort, but I'm more than willing to wait.
It's worth it, anyway. :)

Monday, August 20, 2012


This is the first of many weddings that I will attend in the near future and probably also the first of many weddings that I will cry in.

This couple is a testimony of how love never fails. I pray for blessings for them and their soon-to-be family.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rise Up, Philippines

Yesterday, the Philippines experienced rainfall which was more than the rainfall brought about by the typhoon Ondoy last 2009. Many various areas of Metro Manila are now submerged in floods, leaving many homeless. Last I heard, a few lives have been taken because of this monsoon.

I believe that the Filipinos are a tough race. We are resilient and we've been through so much seemingly hopeless situations but we rise up again, victorious and with that trademark optimism that could bring sunshine to the world. I know that we will emerge from this trial victorious. Wounded, yes, but victorious.

But we need your help. I am asking those who happen to chance upon this blog (if there are any people who do) to please help. Red Cross is currently accepting donations (you can find the ways to deposit here). If you want to volunteer, you can check out the lists here.

Most of all, please pray for our country. Pray that the monsoon winds would leave this country and stop affecting lives of many. Thank you so much.

"He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves." Psalms 107:29

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Truth be told.

I miss you and I'm wondering how you are right now.
I wish I could still play Scott Pilgrim, eat apple pies, or walk miles with you.
But I don't regret what has happened. I know we're both happier with where we are both right now.
Better days are ahead.
And truth be told, I believe in that last statement more than anything else.