Tuesday, October 4, 2011


  1. No matter how cliche it sounds, I believe everything happens for a reason. You meet people, you fall in love with someone, something happens because it has to happen for something/someone better to come. I should know.
  2. There are some people who, no matter how much they've been hurt, their goodness shines through. They instead choose to forgive those that have offended them instead of bearing grudges, no matter how much it hurts. I admire those people.
  3. There are also some people who will come into your life, make you cry and hurt you, but still you love them and accept them for who they are. You'd still want to be there for them when they're down and whenever they need you because, despite the tears and the pain, you know that they'll do the very same thing for you. 
  4. Most of the time, it hurts to do the right thing. 
  5. Sometimes, you'll end up hurting the ones you love. 
  6. There will always be a point in your life where you start asking "what if?" Sometimes, you'd be given a chance to answer that question, but most of time, you won't be given a chance to find out what happens. 
  7. Life goes on. You will never be stuck in one specific moment or you won't be able to rewind and change what was. All you can do is smile and say, "no regrets", then move on.


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