Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I need to write this down lest I forget about it...

I fell in love a year ago with someone who wasn't available. All the while, I thought that I loved him, because I gave him all of my time, effort, and understanding. I thought I loved him because I saw all of his weaknesses and flaws, but still I accepted all of that. I really thought I loved him more than anyone else had.

But I recently realized that I was selfish. I did all that I possibly could to get him to "love" me back. Whenever he'd come to me asking for advice, some of my advice would be towards my bias. I wanted to make him mine, even if it was wrong.

I think that real love is, yes, accepting the totality of the person and loving them regardless of who they are and they are not. But I believe it is also when you lead that person towards the right path, even if it will not entail your happiness. It would mean that you really care about that person. You love him because you genuinely do, and not just because you want them to fulfill a selfish desire in you.

Many would definitely disagree with me, I'm sure, but this is what I believe in. This is what I stand for. I've long accepted the fact that this mystery dude and I will never get back together, and I've learned my lesson from it. And I hope that the next time I love someone, it will be the right kind of love. No selfishness, no greediness. Only pure, genuine, unadulterated love.


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