Friday, August 6, 2010

Of Taking the Leap.

I forgot since when, but I've always told myself that when one loves, she chooses to accept the person for who he is, regardless of the other's imperfections. And yes, I strongly continue to believe that to love is not solely an emotion, but it also a decision.

Discerning about him has made me think a lot about love lately. I continuously ask myself, "Am I honestly ready to take that leap of faith?"

Given the circumstances, I know more than my fair share about him (I also think that one only truly loves when she really knows who the person is. I think that that's already common knowledge since how could you decide the totality of the other person if you do not know who he is?) He has made it a point to tell me everything about him, and, yes, I am more than grateful for that. That is why I trust him enough to tell himself more about me.

But then a terrifying thought crosses my mind: what if taking that leap of faith would change things? I treasure our friendship more than anything else. I do not want 6 solid years of our friendship going down the drain.

My wish is that our relationship will be a continuation of our friendship. Yes, taking that leap of faith would definitely make a huge difference, but the friendship would continue to be there.


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