Saturday, September 24, 2011

Things I've Learned Before/During/After My Entrance Exam in Ateneo

  1. I lost my math skills. *sob* Seriously, I used to love math way back in highschool and, not to boast, I got reasonably high grades. But I guess, because of the lack of practice (and 4 semesters of purely philosophical subjects), I found it difficult to answer certain math problems. I fail. /wrists.
  2. It's not true that all of the rooms in Ateneo don't have airconditioning. (I wonder who I got that from, anyway)
  3. Contrary to what I initially thought, I think I would be having batchmates my age in gradschool. I just hope they're in the same department.
  4. (prepare for cheesiness) It actually feels nice that someone was there to send me off and give me parting words of, "Kaya mo yan!" Thanks, dearest. Even though you slept for only 2 hours, you still took time to go get lost with me at Ateneo.
  5. Walking alone along Ateneo really feels good. Even in the rain. Especially after you feel like you've bombed the exam (Math drama). /wrists
  6. Admittedly though, unlike my ACET exam, I didn't have a hard time with the vocabulary exam.  I realized that my vocabulary has expanded.
  7. People still know how to thank someone, even if they're total strangers.
  8. It feels good to exchange a smile with a complete stranger. And not in a creepy stalker-ish way.
  9. I have great, supportive friends.
  10. Apple pie after a nerve wracking exam is the best way to calm your nerves. 
  11. I should've asked when the results are coming out. Fail. *facepalm


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