Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Of Cramming and Citations.

I spent most of my evening last night reading Emmanuel Levinas's works, something I should have done a long time ago.

I was about to say how much I regret not reading earlier or not thinking about my thesis topic earlier but then again, what's the point in dwelling in the past? It won't do me any good if I keep on saying that I wish I could've done this, or I could've said that, or I shouldn't have said that. It's over. It has been written in stone. What's the point in regretting what was? Why not move on and do things better so that next time, there'll be no regrets?

That set aside, today's the last day of non-stop thesis making. As soon as I pass my final draft tomorrow and my class on Hermeneutics end, I'll sleep the WHOLE DAY. Nobody SHOULD WAKE ME UP. And then on Thursday, Imma start doing my paper on Phenomenology.

I apologize for the constant bringing up of someone in my previous blog entries. Late nights tend to do that to me. And really, it sucks because I can't get anything done because I start reminiscing on everything and anything that has happened. I promise that won't happen anymore. Haha. :)

Now I have to stop procrastinating and start on my thesis again. Next time.


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