Sunday, February 14, 2010

Of Thesis Deadlines and Sleepless Nights.

For the past three nights, I have been toiling for my thesis because the deadline (literally) is on the 17th. So basically, I have at least 3 days to finish my entire thesis or else I won't be able to graduate.

The best thing about this, though, is that I get to think on so many things.

Or is it really the best thing about staying up late?

Many things could enter one's minds, be it something so random like why people watch horror movies or like telling horror stories to something so painfully nostalgic that you can't help but to sigh and re-live that experience in your mind because you know that it'll never happen again in real life.

Jeez, talk about an emo entry on Valentine's day.

Speaking of which, I have a mantra for that day. And for the next, and the next, and yeah, you get the picture. If you know the song Testify by Avalon, you'll know that this mantra came from there:

"For as long as I shall live, I will testify to love." Makes sense, doesn't it?

Happy Hearts day, people (although I don't really give a care about this stupid day. Everyday should be love day. Or whatever. KTHNXBYE).


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